We perform Unity Candle Wedding Ceremonies. These Unity Candle Ceremony Vows are from The Officiant Guy, a wedding officiant who also provides marriage license services to his brides and grooms.
The Unity Candle is a very traditional wedding event. A candle ceremony is not recommended to be done outside since the candles will not stay lit.

During a Unity Candle wedding ceremony the mothers of the bride and groom light candles to the side of the unity (center) candle which represent the separate lives, families and experiences before the wedding day. After the exchange of vows, but before the exchange of rings the bride and groom take each side candle and light the unity candle together, uniting the families and experiences into one.
The wedding ceremony verbage for a unity candle can be the following, or a personalized unity candle ceremony can be created by you. This is spoken by the officiant, but of course, it can be spoken by the wedding couple:
Sample Unity Candle Wedding Vow – 1
“BRIDE and GROOM, the two separate candles symbolize your separate lives, separate families and separate sets of friends. Please light the candles and that together you light the center candle.
The individual candles represent your lives before today. Lighting the center candle represents that your two lives are now joined to one light, and represents the joining together of your two families and sets of friends to one. ”
Sample Candle Ceremony – 2
“GROOM AND BRIDE have chosen to affirm their love by the lighting of a unity candle. They have also asked their families to participate in the lighting ceremony. In so doing, they signal their desire to not only join as one in their union, but to unite two families together as one.
I want to take a moment to explain what the lighting of these candles represents to them:
From every human being there rises a light. And when two souls that are destined for each other find one another, their streams of light flow together and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being.
And Finish
GROOM AND BRIDE: The brightness of the candles that your families have lit – and the brightness of the unity candle that you will together light – will shine throughout your lives, giving you courage and reassurance in the darkness. May the candle’s warmth give you shelter from the cold. May its energy fill your spirits with strength and joy.
As you light the Unity Candle, I want to ask you – and all your friends and family that are present today – to see the brightness of the flame as a symbol of the brightness that your own life brings to this new family. As you lift your candles to light your family unity candle together, so may your love for each other light up your life as a family.
Your mother’s have each lit a candle for each of your families. GROOM AND BRIDE, please use those candles to light the Unity Candle together.”